Difference between Certification Trademark & Trademark

All you need to know about Trademark vs. Certification Trademark

The Concept of Trademarking is not new to the society. A lot of us might have commonly heard the word Trademark. However, usually,…
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FDI in Broadcasting Media & Civil Aviation

Do you know about the Conditions for FDI in Broadcasting, Print Media & Civil Aviation?

Foreign Direct Investment is the main engine of economic growth and a source of non-debt financing for the country's economic development. The FDI…
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Appointment of Foreign Directors in Indian Company

Appointment of International Citizen as Director of Indian Company

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified an amendment for a situation when a person who belongs to a neighboring land border…
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Why is Rupee Falling Against US Dollar

Why is Rupee falling against US Dollar?

The Indian rupee has come under intense selling pressure in recent weeks amid a perfect storm of global headwinds that analysts say will…
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